Kali Sarso, also known as black mustard seeds, is a pungent and flavorful spice widely used in Indian cuisine. Derived from the seeds of the Brassica nigra plant, these small, round seeds are dark brown to black in color and possess a strong, sharp taste. Kali Sarso is a crucial component in various Indian spice blends and pickles, contributing a distinctive heat and nutty undertone to dishes.
The seeds are often tempered in hot oil at the beginning of cooking to release their aromatic oils and enhance the overall flavor of the dish. Kali Sarso is not only valued for its culinary uses but also recognized for its potential health benefits. It contains various nutrients and antioxidants and has been traditionally associated with digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. The robust and versatile nature of Kali Sarso makes it an essential ingredient, adding depth and character to a wide range of Indian recipes